Apresia indra. I’m level 3 colleger
of Gunadarma University. Now, i’m busy with my Scientific Research. Now, i want
to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is sport, especially basketball. I begin
like this hobby when i was in senior high school. Usually, i play with my old
schoolmates on Saturday at 04.00 p.m. until 07.00 p.m in my old senior high
school. We are routine running this activity. And why i love this hobby?
Because it is very nice. I think basketball is good for health.
is the story is begin. When i’m in senior high school, i don’t have an
extraculicular because i’m confused to choose which i like. and then my friend
ask me to join basketball as our extraculicular, i’m agree with him, because
i’m interesting with basket. When my first practice, i can’t do anything about
basket, but i don’t give up. I always show my spirit and sure dicipline. I’m
doing base practice like dribbling, passing, shooting and lay up.
begin join with mayor team when friendly match. After that, i participate in
tournament at North Tambun, this is my first tournament. But, i don’t get
champion, because my team fail in quarter final. I’m sad. My team too. But we
never give up. We make this failure as learn to get our victory. We keep on our
practice to increase our quality. When the second tournament held on, me and my
team participation again. We hope we are the winner, but not like the reality,
we lose again. We keep try and try. Give up? Nothing. We still sprit.
i don’t get winning in my tournament,
i’m showing my passion in classmeeting. I bring my class to be a winner
in competition school. My class get the first winner in basketball competition.
I’m proud. My friends are proud. My teacher too. I’m very very very happy with
my succes. I make this victory as my motivator to trigger my spirit.
the third tournament held on, we are participation again. This is my last
tournament in senior high school. We are struggle with our full spirit. And
then we are the winner. We are getting the fourth potition. We are the
champion. Although not the first winner, but we are happy, because we get a
cup, medal and also money.
now, i can’t continue play basketball in my university, because unavailable in
Gunadarma Bekasi. UKM basketball just available in Gunadarma Depok. Bekasi-Depok
so far. So, it is makes me me lazy. But, i still play basketball with my
oldfriends every Saturday.
just my hobby, not my destination. Because, i don’t want to be an athlete. But
i love basketball so much. In additional
basketball as my beloved hobby, I do love a girl, she is a sweet, she is a
smart, but sometimes she is annoying. She is my girlfriend. I want to be an
accounting in a company, I just play basketball in the free time not everyday. It’s
just media to distribute my passion. Yeah, that’s all my activities live or my
hobbies and something about me